Monday, July 22, 2019

Safari Guide form Elephants Protection Society

Posted by Botswana Safari News on July 22, 2019 | No comments

A local safari guide Oaitse Nawa has formed a non-governmental organization called Elephants Protection Society which strives to prevent deadly contacts between communities with elephants.
The organisation incorporated this year aims to create a pleasant environment between animals and humans to safeguard human life and conservations ideals.
The organization formation comes as the country and the district continue to experience incidents of human deaths caused by elephants. Nawa’s organisation aims to prevent this worrying trend.  “I have been active in Boro area scaring elephants away from becoming in to contact with farmers in the area. This is a dry period and therefore competition for water resources between wildlife and humans is expected to increase.’
‘Majority of people affected by the increasing movements of elephants into the farm areas is mostly the poor farmers who do not have the means to fend for themselves. These are the people who need help for elephants to be chased back into the protection areas set for them.’
Nawa continued: ‘people these days are no longer free to visit their cattle posts freely as it used to happen in the past years. This can affect food security at a family and even at the national level and therefore our organization aims to help the situation.’
He explained that currently the Department of Wildlife and National Parks is this on the ground as the Anti-Poaching is incapacitated to even drive the elephants back from farming areas on a regular basis. Nawa explained that recently he has been singularly driving elephants in Boro and in Botshabelo just behind the Maun airport. ‘Part of the problem we have is that DWNP is failing to drive away elephants from contact with humans.’
Nawa said his organization will soon be launched saying part of the launch activities will including a walk to raise funds to sink boreholes in protected to prevent elephants from going into human settlements in search for water.


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